It has been awhile. I'm trying to recall when this last happened...I'm really not sure. I'm so happy, though. I'm drinking coffee, reading my Google reader with its hundreds of articles, and I have no less than 12 tabs on this Explorer screen.
We do have to leave at some point, although I'm not sure where I will go. Annie has volleyball and soccer tonight at exactly the same time....I hate it when that happens. I was soooo hoping for rain, but the day looks to be fabulous.
It has been a wild 'n woolly week. Sunday: church, baseball, soccer, AWANA, whew!
Monday: work and baseball. Small group was cancelled. Hmmm....Monday.....
Monday was one of those days when I would make small progress and fall back in a much more significant know, I ended the day farther behind than when I started. So, when I got home to pick up a daughter who had left already and I realized I had driven at least 30 minutes extra for no apparent reason, I pulled a stubborn mule and, figuratively, sat down. I decided I was not attending Trav's first baseball game. Ok, please know there was more to it than just the frustrations of the day....but as I settled down, I knew I should go. So, I headed on down to the town on the other side of the world from here, and discovered Trav wasn't playing. I muttered more than once, "He should've just missed practice on Friday and gone to the concert with us!"....well, it may have been a bit more than a mutter....then lo and behold, they bring him pitch. Ugh.
I love, love, love watching the boy play baseball....put him in, coach! In the infield, that is....NOT PITCHING! I found myself unable to take a deep breath. I quickly became very involved in a friend's request to load her new cell full of cool ringtones via bluetooth. (Yes, I have some pretty fab ringtones, if I say so myself.) We were up 9-7 when he came was tense. He allowed one unearned run until we found ourselves in the bottom of the last inning, 2 outs, runners on, (of course with the new run, it is now 9-8), and he delivers the pitch. The batter, who I know well and is one of the best players in the region, hit a screaming line drive waaaaaaaaaay out......straight to the center fielder, who caught it quite handily. Game over. My victorious, "Yes!" set my physical therapy back a few days, but it was so very worth it. I might add, in case you haven't heard, that the regional newspaper called my son's performance, "Stellar". I like that word very much.
After some Pizza Inn and "24", I was happy to put that day to rest. Then Tuesday came along.
Tuesday began with roughly 473 items on my "to do" list. Not one was checked off by the end of the day. I became frustrated with "less than stellar" customer service (don't you just love that word?), extreme rudeness displayed by a larger than normal amount of people (there are some great stories there, but unless you can see the storytelling in person, the entertainment value gets lost...sorry) and the fact that we get to shell out ANOTHER few thousand dollars for MORE braces this summer. By the later part of the day, I was lower than a snake's belly in a wagon rut. Well, not really, but it sounded good. I was ever so glad to get to the baseball game and see another "stellar" performance. Fifty mph winds across a dirt infield make for some gritty teeth, but hey, it's part of it. What isn't part of it, however, is playing two innings through torrential rains with players sliding in the mud trying to get to the ball and get the out. Considering that the conditions were a bit of an improvement to the rest of the day wasn't very comforting, so I was happy to get home, fix supper and bask in a short but very warm bath, knowing Wednesday would be much better.
And it was.
A good haircut does wonders for a lot of things, doesn't it? That and a trip to my favorite BBQ place for lunch and I was a happy camper. I taught the Wed night class of upper elementary kids...we talked about the tongue. I'm forever in need of reminders about the evils of my tongue. The number of scriptures about it astound me. There are so many places where the tongue and the heart are so closely intertwined, it is apparent that the state of the heart is instrumental in what escapes our mouths. I'm glad I was able to teach...I needed to hear it. I think maybe they did, too.
So, I have high hopes for today. Laundry (lots of wet, muddy clothes in there, you know...from that ballgame). Online work. Homeschool research. A blog post (check). LOTS of homeschool. Housework...ooohhhh, the housework. But if I'm actually home, I can get at least some of it done. Thank you, Lord!
One last thing: The Revive/Brandon Heath/ThirdDay concert Friday night was spectacular. They rocked the place! We LOVED all three performances! If you get a chance to see any of them, TAKE IT!