Four days. I'm on the fourth day of not leaving my home. I'm definitely not the type to stay home two days in a row. Four? I didn't even do that when I had a baby. Nope. There was baseball, work, groceries...any excuse. Snow days? That is simply an invitation to GET OUT. I DEFY the weather to dish up anything that will keep me in. (Maybe that will get us some snow...?) I can't imagine anything that would keep me in for four days. Until now. What has kept me in? Why, it is simple. There has been no reason to leave. That and a mild tummy condition that kept me in the one time I had a reason to get out.....
Anyway. It has been delightful. The laundry is as caught up as it gets. There is ALWAYS laundry because, of course, we aren't exactly going to not have clothes on just so I can get completely caught up. But, I digress. I have cleaned linens this week that actually were soiled during Thanksgiving dinner. That is ridiculous, I know. Believe me, I'm glad it is done.
I've blogged. Twice.
The house is relatively picked up...sort of.....well, I'll vacuum after this. I promise.
My kids have so much school work ready for them they will have NO excuse to waste time on any given day.
And.....drumroll......we still have milk. Normally when NOTHING else works, the milk thing gets me out. I thought ahead. Six gallons may have seemed like a lot at the time, but hey. I'm still here.
On an aside....."24" started last night. I haven't decided how I feel about this season just yet. I found it to be a bit....predictable...when one of its primary strengths is that "24" isn't predictable. I'm forever frustrated by silly things...the first two years it was that Jack couldn't figure out how to turn the ringer off on his phone. He would sneak down the hall, mere feet from a bad guy with a big gun and...riiiiiiiiinnnnngg! How that guy never heard it I will never know. Last night it was the bad guy. Typically when the street is full of people looking at the aftermath of an exploding helicopter on a roof, one won't stroll slong through the crowd talking on the cell about how the guy is dead and now we need to focus on the assassination and move the time up, etc....because...hello? THEY WILL HEAR!!!! The other scene that had me yelling at my tv was when Kim is telling Jack he must stay and help because if he didn't and something happened, well, he just wouldn't forgive himself. This from the person who NEVER wanted him to stay and help. Not to mention that after all he had been through, I'm thinking, yep, I'd be able to live with it just fine. I suppose season 8 wouldn't be so appealing if it was all about Jack taking his grandchild to the zoo and reading Dr. Seuss to her. So, he had to stay.
So, tonight, this last night before I finally venture from my home, I will give it another shot and presumably become thoroughly hooked. In the meantime, supper and vacuuming await me. Enjoy your night!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Help Haiti
If you have a heart for the people in Haiti, please consider giving to Compassion. The statement from Compassion's website:
"All funds raised in response to the Haiti earthquake will be used immediately to reequip Compassion's local support structure and to provide for the immediate needs of Compassion-assisted children and families. Any funds raised in excess will be stewarded by Compassion for additional and future disaster relief efforts."
Please pray about contributing to this worthy organization.
And Then There Were Three....Again
The last few days have been a mess in my little world. Despite an obnoxious amount of sleep and a day off exercise yesterday, I awoke to a queasiness that did not need to be exposed to the masses. As my family happily skipped off to Sunday School and church, I am pondering what one does with quiet time and a tummy that is a bit "off"?
After eating some yogurt (probiotics, you know), Bible Study, and cleaning up the kitchen, I pondered exercise. It would be lovely to get it done, get a shower and, for the first time in days, put on makeup. But then....that probably isn't the best use of time considering the pathetic effort it would be. It would be better to feel well first, I am sure.
So, I got online and printed off The Big Boy's schedule for this semester. It is a nasty one. Calculus 3. Chemistry 3. Calculus based Physics. Verbal Communication. Honors Logic. Then I investigated campus religious organizations. I sent him links for Campus Crusade and The Rock. I even offered to fill out an information card and send it in for him. Wasn't that nice of me?? tee hee. For some reason, I'm not sure he would agree with that.
Did I mention this is his first week back? Ah, there may be a bit of the funk of the last few days. Typically, I'm a fairly tough cookie. None of the tears and crying nonsense. Nope. I didn't even cry watching "Old Yeller" and usually if anything gets me, its the dog. People? Never. But you know, the movies just don't capture the tug on your heart when your baby heads out to the real world. I tackled his room yesterday and cleaned it top to bottom. I cleaned off each trophy remembering the hundreds of baseball games. I remembered a lot of mistakes I made as a Mom and wished I had another chance. I prayed for my nieces with their young families and for my children as they grow. I thanked God for my wonderful friends along the way who have encouraged and supported me as a mom. I prayed for The Big Boy and his friend-that-is-a-girl. I laughed at his drawings and quotes throughout a notebook from grade school. And I hugged and loved on the three that are still here. And I was glad he was gone. This is how it is supposed to be. He is learning and maturing and becoming the man God would have him be. He is becoming independent in actions and thinking. Despite the tears and tugs on my heart, he is exactly where he should be and I'm thankful.
Not much quiet time left. Excuse me, while I make the most of it.
After eating some yogurt (probiotics, you know), Bible Study, and cleaning up the kitchen, I pondered exercise. It would be lovely to get it done, get a shower and, for the first time in days, put on makeup. But then....that probably isn't the best use of time considering the pathetic effort it would be. It would be better to feel well first, I am sure.
So, I got online and printed off The Big Boy's schedule for this semester. It is a nasty one. Calculus 3. Chemistry 3. Calculus based Physics. Verbal Communication. Honors Logic. Then I investigated campus religious organizations. I sent him links for Campus Crusade and The Rock. I even offered to fill out an information card and send it in for him. Wasn't that nice of me?? tee hee. For some reason, I'm not sure he would agree with that.
Did I mention this is his first week back? Ah, there may be a bit of the funk of the last few days. Typically, I'm a fairly tough cookie. None of the tears and crying nonsense. Nope. I didn't even cry watching "Old Yeller" and usually if anything gets me, its the dog. People? Never. But you know, the movies just don't capture the tug on your heart when your baby heads out to the real world. I tackled his room yesterday and cleaned it top to bottom. I cleaned off each trophy remembering the hundreds of baseball games. I remembered a lot of mistakes I made as a Mom and wished I had another chance. I prayed for my nieces with their young families and for my children as they grow. I thanked God for my wonderful friends along the way who have encouraged and supported me as a mom. I prayed for The Big Boy and his friend-that-is-a-girl. I laughed at his drawings and quotes throughout a notebook from grade school. And I hugged and loved on the three that are still here. And I was glad he was gone. This is how it is supposed to be. He is learning and maturing and becoming the man God would have him be. He is becoming independent in actions and thinking. Despite the tears and tugs on my heart, he is exactly where he should be and I'm thankful.
Not much quiet time left. Excuse me, while I make the most of it.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Christmas Letter 2009
Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas from us to you,
This year it’s a poem, Shoo bee doo be doo.
(How is it so far?)
We usually begin with the eldest child
The year for Trav has been pretty wild.
He played his last baseball game; Mom almost cried.
Playing for 14 years was quite a ride.
After graduation from *****, (yes it is true!)
He moved to Columbia & goes to Mizzou.
Once an ****, now a Tiger he’ll be
This is the first step in his quest to M.D.
His family misses him, it makes us sad
But when he comes home we are very glad.
Our big girl, Holly, is a junior this year.
Just about everyone thinks she’s a dear.
She works at Wib’s serving BBQ,
Stop by & see her, she’d love a visit from you!
This year finds her busy with work & with school,
Driving in her car she looks really cool.
Holly enjoys providing child care,
It’s a skill of which more people are becoming aware.
A member of choir, our Holly can sing,
One thing hasn’t changed; sleeping’s still her favorite thing.
Now we come to The Things, 1 & 2
They round out this peculiar crew.
Their teacher is still their good ol’ Mother,
Fifth grade the sister, sixth for the brother.
Nathan is growing, soon he’ll be a teen.
He’s getting tall, outgrowing his new jeans.
Thing 1 or Scooter is his name,
Anything electronic is his game.
Music is another love,
Gifts like that come from Above.
2009 has been his hunting year
He bagged his first squirrel, then his first deer.
He likes to play ball, mostly baseball & golf,
As you can imagine, his summers are rough.
Next on our list is child number four,
She answers to Annie, Lizzie, Nini & more.
Still getting taller, she’s about to pass Mom,
She giggles ‘cause looking down at us will be so much fun.
Like her sister, she’s a lovely young lady,
But she’ll always be her momma’s baby.
She plays piano, soccer, & volleyball,
And the girl has fun doing them all.
But like her mom, her real love is a book.
It seems this year she really got hooked.
We still have the pets; Tiger, Benny & Charlie,
And Dad still loves to ride on his Harley.
Dad’s still working for Farmers, it’s just his thing.
When he is at church, he gets to sing.
He doesn’t have much time free,
But when he does, at our new land he will be.
The pond is full, the levy has grass.
I think he enjoys every little task.
As you can see, we have blessings galore.
There is ever so much to be thankful for.
The thanks and the glory go to God on High.
To take any credit would be a lie.
He sent his Son, the Christ, Jesus,
Who is Emmanuel, God with us.
When we turn our lives over to Him,
He cleanses us and takes away our sin.
We can walk by His side every day
His Holy Sacrifice provided the way.
Christmas is fun, full of gifts, food, & mirth
But it all began with that sweet baby’s birth.
So remember the really important part
And let Jesus come live in your heart.
Merry Christmas!
With love,
“Look! The virgin will conceive a child!
She will give birth to a son,
and they will call him Immanuel,
which means ‘God is with us.’” Matthew 18:23 NLT
Book Review: "Going Rogue"
I was thrilled to receive
Going Rogue by Sarah Palin for Christmas. I had picked it up multiple times and each time decided to wait. It sat in my Amazon cart for weeks and I always bypassed it. All the waiting was in hopes of receiving it as a Christmas gift.
It was exactly what I expected. Perhaps more in some spots, a little less in others. I found myself relating to Palin on several levels. First of all, she is very close to my age. Her upbringing, although more rugged than mine, was similar. We both are blessed with a spirit of independence, not relying on others too much. I wonder if her mother ever called her "an independent little cuss?" I think the first half was my favorite part of the book, reading about her formative years, then raising a family, and the steps she has followed in the political process. One thing she has that I envy a little is an incredible self confidence.
The book was entertaining as a recap of her life, all the way through the election of 2008. In the post-election section the book became a bit wordy. It included a lot of her political positions, opinions on policy, and several defensive shots at both her political opponents and some of the McCain staffers. It seemed a tedious part of the book, but then, it reflected what was a tedious part of her life, in defending an endless array of ethics charges and slams from the press. Despite those facts, I found myself thinking the same points could have been made in a much more concise fashion.
I'm not sure my hubby loved me reading the book because of my continued insistence that we move to Alaska. Palin's love for her home comes through vividly. Of course, I would want to wait until spring to make such a move. It would be silly to go any sooner!
"Going Rogue" isn't for everyone. If you are simply looking for her take on political issues, go immediately to the back third of the book. But if you want a look inside the mind of this brilliant lady, pick it up and enjoy.

It was exactly what I expected. Perhaps more in some spots, a little less in others. I found myself relating to Palin on several levels. First of all, she is very close to my age. Her upbringing, although more rugged than mine, was similar. We both are blessed with a spirit of independence, not relying on others too much. I wonder if her mother ever called her "an independent little cuss?" I think the first half was my favorite part of the book, reading about her formative years, then raising a family, and the steps she has followed in the political process. One thing she has that I envy a little is an incredible self confidence.
The book was entertaining as a recap of her life, all the way through the election of 2008. In the post-election section the book became a bit wordy. It included a lot of her political positions, opinions on policy, and several defensive shots at both her political opponents and some of the McCain staffers. It seemed a tedious part of the book, but then, it reflected what was a tedious part of her life, in defending an endless array of ethics charges and slams from the press. Despite those facts, I found myself thinking the same points could have been made in a much more concise fashion.
I'm not sure my hubby loved me reading the book because of my continued insistence that we move to Alaska. Palin's love for her home comes through vividly. Of course, I would want to wait until spring to make such a move. It would be silly to go any sooner!
"Going Rogue" isn't for everyone. If you are simply looking for her take on political issues, go immediately to the back third of the book. But if you want a look inside the mind of this brilliant lady, pick it up and enjoy.
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