Thursday, March 26, 2009

There's No Joy in Mudville

Well, the news isn't good. Travis insists he was rejected by Duke. I insist he was not accepted. I maintain there is a difference, although I'm not sure what it is.

He chose to escape and head to his favorite cousin's house to hang out and get his mind off it all. They're gonna talk baseball. I'd go there, too, if I could.

On a brighter note, it was a beauuuuuutiful day outside today! We did some school outside. After school I worked in the garden a very little bit, planting spinach, lettuce, peas and onions. Then, in a concerted effort to not come inside, I cleaned the front porch furniture.

Holly watched her cousin "kick booty" in volleyball, then she treated with Andy's. That is two nights straight she went to Andy's....hmmmm...... Annie had one of her best games ever in soccer. It was too bad she could only stay for half the game, but volleyball called. She really liked that, too. Nathan hunted worms and frogs with his buddy down the street, then they had a rather successful fishing trip. All in all, it was a pretty good day. Perhaps there is some joy in Mudville.

Now, I'm gonna snuggle up to watch the Lost episode that I think I tivo'ed last night. My hope is that my eyes can stay open that long.

Oh, on a random note: forget butterfly pictures. Annie released them today and I completely forgot to get pictures. Typical. The ones I took earlier were....bad. So, just know it was an educational, inspirational, and enjoyable experience to raise a few butterflies.

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