We've been plugging along....Travis is hoping to hear from a college soon. However, we know it will be April before he knows anything for sure about where he may or may not be accepted. It will be the end of April before he has all the information to make a decision. In the meantime, baseball starts soon for him. He is spending this week getting everything else done....physicals, eye doctor appt, dentist appt, haircut...you name it. You know, sniff, sniff, he'll graduate soon.
Holly has her car back. After it was repaired and THEN I got my car unstuck from the front yard (where we found it after our return from Mexico), she got to drive again. She and Trav participated in Disciple Now this weekend. It was pretty amazing, from all I hear. Ours is a community-wide DNow, which included 11 churches from several area communities and somewhere around 450 kids and 100 plus leaders. I think they had a lot of fun, and although we sent cheerful, happy kids and got back zombies, I'm pretty sure they grew up a little, too....spiritually and otherwise.
Nathan had his last regular season basketball game. He did really well this season despite some difficult circumstances, and we are proud of him. He will have the season-end tournament this weekend, then it is on to baseball....
Annie played in our regional music festival on Saturday, earning a "Superior" ranking, the highest available. She overcame serious nerves and fear to perform and do well. It was a great experience for her in a number of ways. Now, she begins soccer this week. We like soccer, but we really like fall soccer, summer soccer, and indoor soccer. Spring soccer is pretty nasty, as it involves below-freezing temps, a field in a wind-tunnel, and occasional sleet-filled games. Summer, please come soon!
My sweet nephew, Andy, is getting married in April. Our family is excited about making the trip to the East Coast to see the wedding. Getting to see a beach and an ocean is a thrilling bonus!
The new additions to the family, members I plan to spend a lot of time with, arrived yesterday. Today they had their final installation, and I am, as I type, doing my first load of steam-infused towels, which, according to the books, should come out 99.9% germ free. The new washer/dryer are just beauuuuuuutiful. We all know that pretty appliances make life worth living. Some days, it is just the thing to get us through.
I'm so excited, having made it almost all the way through two months of reading the Bible through and still being on track. I have to give kudos to
Staci, for her recommendation of the
ESV Bible Reading Plan, which splits each day into four sections. It is the MOST doable plan I have attempted, and I'm learning and enjoying every minute. I really was skeptical, but I have to say it's the best.
So now I'm hearing, "Mom, can you
please fix supper? Time to run...parent-teacher conferences are tonight as well. Enjoy the day!