Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It's Almost Heeeerrrrreee.....

The signs are starting to appear. Recently, I have been hearing of my nephew's college baseball team's games. College baseball is the very beginning of baseball season, which is one of the first signs of spring.

Yesterday I read where the Cardinals have their first exhibition game Wednesday. That's, um, tomorrow....

My pulse begins to quicken.

This morning I looked out to the yard to see 2, 4, 6, oh, I don't know, maybe a dozen or more robins. One with a big ol' worm hanging out of his mouth....They looked just like this one:

My breath caught as it hit me. Spring is, well, here. It may snow, it may get very cold, but it will be a spring snow, and a spring cold snap. Soon we will see lots of these:

Oh, my heart be still. Gardens, baseball, flowers, swimming......I don't know if I will be able to sleep tonight.

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