Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Post-Shred Review

Quick observations about the 30 Day Shred include:

1. It is totally doable. I'm tired, I've got that "I just had a good workout" feeling but I'm not discouraged or frustrated.

2. It is short and thorough. The methods used combine exercises for a complete but short workout. Short and thorough. Both are good words.

3. The Things joined in and loved it. Thing 1 just commented, "I think I'm in a lot better mood now." Maybe I am, too.

4. I love Anita. Her "modifications" are part of what made it doable.

5. I don't want to do 1 1/2 shreds in one day ever again.

6. Those women are good motivators. I couldn't pay for abs and legs like that, but they sure make me want to try harder.

7. I'm kind of looking forward to tomorrow. Ack! Did I just say that????

That's all I can say for now. Piano looms on the horizon and I have to wash off all this sweat. Just after I eat a piece of bacon.

1 comment:

AOP said...

Hello, my name is Kristi Gesink and I work for the homeschooling company Alpha Omega Publications. I noticed after reading through your blog that on your side bar you list our Horizons curriculum as part of the curriculum you use to teach your children. We would like to say a big thank you for mentioning our curriculum on your blog and we would appreciate it very much if you would please turn that mention into a link. That way if friends and readers want to check out your curriculum all they need to do is click on the link!!

Here is the link

Thanks again and if you have any questions please email me at

Kristi Gesink

PS love the design of your blog!! So cute!