Thursday, August 20, 2009


In the chaos of packing for college, licensing vehicles, repairing vehicles and motorcycles, and preparing for school to start, something special happened. We finalized the purchase of a parcel of land. It is a beautiful spot, full of woods, trees, birds, poison ivy, ticks, snakes....but I digress. It really is beautiful. Our hope is that we can build there in a few years.

We have been looking at floor plans, scouring home magazines and tearing them apart to file in the "Ooooh, that's pretty! I like that!" file. I have a lot of dream homes, but a home must fit the surroundings. My dream beach home, for instance, would look silly in the mountains. Some styles I really love, but they would only fit in a metro area. So this home must fit in the woods. I'm thinking the Three Bears meets HGTV...or something like that. Thankfully, Hubby and I think alike in style and decor, and I have plenty of time to sort it out and think it through.

So, at night, God and I talk about this home. I want it to be a place where He is glorified, above all. It should be a haven, of sorts, where people always feel welcome. Then, I drift off to sleep imagining the possibilities.....

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