Friday, February 19, 2010

Four-Day Sour Cream Cake

At Thanksgiving, the "hit" of the dinner was a cake that my dad's wife brought. She left some for my family and my husband allllmost refused to share. I thought it may come to blows until I offered to get the recipe. Thus, hope sprang eternal that this may not be the last of this fabulous cake.

So, I called Dad's wife, S, and discovered that she got the recipe from an old church cookbook, and it was originally from my brother's mother-in-law. Aren't small towns grand?

So, in hopes I have sufficiently given credit where it is due, I am sharing this unbelievable recipe with you. It is a cross between a coconut-cream-pie shake and cake. Trust me. Delicious.

I'm planning to have it at the one meal I get to cook for The Big Boy this weekend. Given how the week is gone, it will have to be a Two-Day cake instead of Four, but I'm sure we will survive.

Four-Day Sour Cream Cake

1 butter flavored yellow cake mix
2 C sugar
16 oz sour cream
12 oz frozen coconut (I used regular non-frozen coconut)
1 1/2 C Cool Whip

Combine sugar, sour cream, and coconut. Blend well. Chill 4 hours. Reserve 1 C for frosting. Remaining is to be spread between layers.

Mix cake as directed on package. Bake in 2 (9 in) layer pans. When cool, split to make four layers.

Mix the 1 C sour cream mixture with Cool Whip. Spread first mixture between layers then ice the cake with remaining Cool Whip mixture. Store in airtight container for four days. Can be eaten before, but gets more moist with time.

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