Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Too Many Choices

We have discovered, my homeschooled two and I, that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. This homeschool year is almost over....just a few more weeks. Honestly, we have more than met our requirements, and we are farther than we were when we finished last year, but there are just a few more things we need to learn before the blessed summer break.

I'm in a peculiar spot now as I ponder the curriculum for next year. We are at a crossroads in several ways. We (finally) are finishing the four years of world history that we started, well, about four years ago. Now what? Start again, I'm sure....or maybe not. (probably). Nathan is ready to jump up in math. To what he is jumping, I'm not sure just yet. I think the elementary math is sufficiently ingrained and a bit of a challenge is in order. Pre-Algebra? Is he ready for Algebra? What curriculum? The questions are endless.....

Essentially, it seems in most subjects Nathan is ready to jump a year. Don't tell him that, please. I don't need an endless litany of arguments about him being in 7th grade, ready for youth group, etc. It'll be our secret...okay? Okay.

Then there is Science. I'm sure we are ready for an Apologia Science, but which one?

When I first started homeschooling, the options were very limited. As homeschooling has taken off, the number of choices has jumped exponentially. There are several really good programs out there, and though the vast array of choices is nice, it also makes it difficult. But I'm NOT complaining! I'm thrilled. As the catalogs come in, I spend time at every baseball/soccer game perusing them, reading cover to cover what each company has to offer. It becomes so exciting! (I know, only an egghead would get a kick out of such a thing....what can I say?) Planning next year is ever so much more fun than finishing this year. Now, on to those Latin reviews....

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