After a couple of years of watching almost no TV except the occasional, warm, fuzzy, Andy Griffith Show,

last January we succumbed to the intense peer pressure from family and friends and started watching both 24

and Lost.

We watched a season of each, then by popular demand within the family, continued watching 24 until we were.....completely.....caught.....up. That's right, SIX seasons in about as many months. It is a wonder we didn't shoot the place up. And, yes, we watched the special in November. Our plan is NOT to watch it when it begins again in just six days, quite frankly, because we may tear our hair out waiting from week to, we can wait for the videos. Maybe.
So, in the meantime, we have picked up with Season Two of Lost. I'm telling you, these shows cannot possibly be good for a person. They are highly addictive, affect sleeping patterns (you have to find "the right place" to stop for the night and sometimes that may take until 2 am(!), not to mention those weird dreams...), and I'm sure beyond a shadow of a doubt they are turning my brain to mush. After all, that is what I have spent years telling the kids would happen if they watch TV.
Oh, and that is not all, no that is not all. We have another series trying to worm its way in...first through Ljo....we have managed to keep it quarantined to her college house until.....last night. When I arrived home from AWANA, guess who had introduced House to our....ahem, house?

Yes, Travis! It seems his girlfriend brought a season over and left it. Now, we have seen House on TV now and then, sometimes several episodes straight. And, I must admit, I find it entertaining. But honestly, I considered going down in protective clothing to put it in a Ziploc bag and take it out to a nearby field. I'm convinced there is something contagious in seeing how absurdly people behave when addicted to these shows.
But, I didn't. I left it down there. I'm determined to have more will power than to get started on yet another series.....
Oh, and let's hope the family doesn't realize American Idol starts next week. We may not recover.
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