Friday, January 2, 2009

So What is the New Year Good for?

I have explained that I have, well, a rebellious aversion to resolutions. So what is the New Year good for? Hmmm....I'm glad you asked.

First of all, it is an excellent time to start reading the Bible through. Most plans begin with Jan 1, so it makes sense. There are several plans to do this. Justin at Between Two Worlds has a thorough presentation with many options. Rest assured there is a plan for you!

It is a great time to spend a lot of time in prayer. Well, any time is a good time for that. Anyway, you know what I mean. Yesterday's verse of the day from Heartlight is a good example:

There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against
the LORD.
-- Proverbs 21:30

No matter how fresh the start nor how great the plans we have
made, if we do not walk with God, the coming year will not be a
spiritual success. As we receive this gift of a new year, let's
commit to serve the Lord. As we make plans for the coming days
ahead, let's make sure that those plans are made based on the
LORD's revealed will in Scripture and prayerful consideration of
what our God wants us to accomplish.

God of the ages, my Father in heaven, thank you for being very
near as I start on a new year. Please help me know your will each
day. Bring the people into my life who will help me love you more,
serve you effectively, and bless others in meaningful ways. To you
be all the honor and glory in what I do, think, and say in the days
ahead. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

John Piper has an excellent post on What Should We Pray For as well. It is a list based on New Testament Prayers that he suggests we read through periodically. I think it is a wonderful suggestion.....

And, the New Year is the official end of the Holiday Season. It is time to get those Christmas decorations down, clean the house and prepare to get back to normal! I have to admit, I'm looking forward to getting back to a routine....with a little more reading and praying involved. And maybe more exercise. We'll see.

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