The last few years, I have felt led to celebrate Advent with our family. I started just with reading advent scriptures the first couple of weeks only to have it fall by the wayside with the busyness of the season. Last year we actually did some Advent activities for several days and stayed with the scriptures longer.
It is obvious that finishing what I started is something with which I struggle. The pile of unfinished scarves and socks is further evidence of this shortcoming.
So, I have been pondering Advent and how to create a situation I must see through. I decided the key is in the planning. So, as is my way, I started planning waaaay ahead. On Sunday. Ahem.
Okay, so I'll have to let you know later if it works. The idea, however, is that I bought some of those miniature stockings at our local discount store for $1 each. In each will be be tucked a scripture and a location. There are 24, with little white tags (straight from the office products dept of same store) labeling the days. I also picked up some treats. With four kids and a roommate (I'm sending a box to The Big Boy at college and including his roomie), it can be costly, so we are talking very low cost treats. It isn't about the wonderful gift, it is about the anticipation of our Savior. The treats just make it an exciting activity. I bought candy, chap stick, cheap toys, playing cards, beef jerky, and other whimsical items. I'm thinking the beef jerky was the most costly of the lot. Many little gifts like this can be purchased in the seasonal department. Another place to check out is the travel item section. Those little sodas in six packs are another idea. Boxes of snacks are always good.
I'll string the stockings across the front of the mantel and each day they will read the scripture and ponder it in their hearts. Of course they will. Then they will look at the location where their treat for that day is hidden.
The big boy has a box and the treats are in little bags and labeled by day, with scriptures attached. Well, almost. I'm doing that next. His covers him through finals, then he will join the rest of the family in our Advent adventure at home.
I'm hearing voices from "Christmas Vacation" in my head, "Sparky, you create expectations no family gathering can meet..." (or something like that) Voices, be gone!!!
Two great places for Advent ideas are:
Cathy's Christmas Cottage Advent Calendar
Teaching Mom's Advent Calendar
Even if you just do a couple of activities and a few scripture readings, it still is a step toward making Christmas about Jesus in your family.
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