Thankful, thankful, thankful.
As I scurry about the kitchen, I hear it on the tv in the next room. I hear it on the radio. I hear it at church, see it on the blogs, and on Twitter. Everyone is thankful. Even my little Clementine orange sports a sticker, "Thankful for Cuties".
Grateful. Webster says thankful means "conscious of benefit received", or "well-pleased; glad".
Full of thanks.
Am I?
Why, yes, I am.
I'm thankful for my health. I'm thankful for my home. I'm thankful for my family. I'm thankful for everytime I laugh. Oh, yes, and I'm thankful for my orange Cuties.
Those are all good things. It's easy to be thankful for those.
What does God's word say about thankfulness? It says a whole lot. For example, Ephesians 5:19b-20 says, "Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Sing & make music....from your heart to the Lord.......ALWAYS GIVING THANKS.....to God the Father.....for EVERYTHING....in the name of our LORD Jesus Christ.
There is a lot to be learned there.
Thankfulness is from our heart. Sayin' "I'm thankful" doesn't make it from the heart. Can you sing about it? Compose a trill about it? Search it out. Do you really mean it? Are you really glad?
Who do we thank? God the Father in the name of our LORD Jesus Christ. The Creator. The Prince of Peace. The Almighty. Makes sense.
We are supposed to always be thankful.
For everything.
I'm not up for composing a trill about the 9x13 glass pan that dropped on my foot last night.
Nope. Thankful is not what I was just then.
I'm not really sure that is what that means. Honestly. I can say, however, things sometimes happen that I just don't like, and I have learned that God always gives me a reason to be thankful.
I have a long way to go. I know that gratitude is a state of heart, and I need to be more grateful. I'm getting there. Sometimes it just takes living life to learn thankfulness. I'm thankful that I'm learning.
I think just pondering it all & searching my heart is another step on the journey.
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