Words that pop into my mind when I think about the last few months include homeschool (of course), ski trip, Hilton Head, rain, floods, hail, tornadoes, Easter, Mother's Day, AWANA, piano, Thing 2 (birthday), tall kids, The Big Boy (home), and the big one on my radar right now is: GRADUATION.
The big party is Friday night. Between now and then, the to-do list is gargantuan. After that, maybe I can blog, showing pictures with the cool new camera Hubby gave me for Christmas (that I am just figuring out).
I have lots of blogs doing flip-flops in my mind. Steel yourself for some politics, religion, and some analysis about motivation.
But first, the Big Girl's Baccalaureate was last night. Baccalaureate has changed a little since I was young. I find myself thinking it has "dwindled". Because it has become so politically correct to make sure these whipper snappers know that they don't HAVE to come because Baccalaureate is a decidedly Christian event, and because they make it clear it is "optional", many don't come. Although in theory that is a sad thing, I can't say that I blame them. Often it is a dry message from an elderly gentleman with whom they have nothing in common. To be perfectly honest, I didn't really want to go. I was tickled to see the speaker last night was a class Dad, who related well to them as well as the rest of us, and gave a good message. I was glad I went.
It was so sweet to see the Gideons brave the rain to stand outside and give Bibles to the kids as they exited. The Big Girl giggled when she discovered they all knew her Grandpa, a fellow Gideon.
Before we braved the rain and celebrated with some Dairy Queen, I snapped a couple of shots with my phone. The first is The Big Girl, The Big Boy, Thing 1 and Thing 2:
Next is The Big Girl with her Daddy:
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