Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Latest

Imagine my excitement when a friend commented on missing my blog. 

"I looked at your blog to see what's new with you, and you haven't posted since May!"


I'm missed.

Thank you, D!

So, where is my crew now?

The Big Boy is in his Junior Year at Mizzou.  He spent all summer studying for the MCAT.  It has been dubbed the summer of the MCAT.  It wasn't too bad, but we really don't want another one.  He studied a lot, but before you get to feeling too bad for him, understand he golfed a lot, too.  He also spent a lot of time at the hospital working in various departments.  So, in all, he had a good summer. 

He took the MCAT and did very well, thank you.  However, he isn't satisfied, so he will probably take it again.  It appears we will have an MCAT Christmas (Break) this year, too.

The Big Girl graduated from High School and is going to school in St. Louis.  She has had her share of traumatic experiences her first semester.  The biggest trauma was being involved in an accident her first week of school.  Someone ran a red light at an intersection and hit her, knocking her into another lane, where she was hit on the other side.  She and her friend were a bit bruised and sore, but ok.  We have been praising the Lord for that ever since.  Her car is still in the shop.  It has been a mess to get through all the hoops with the other person's insurance.  Suffice it to say, we learned folks really aren't in such good hands.......ah, well.  The biggest praise, other than her lack of injuries, is that she is doing great.  She has good friends, is doing well in her classes, is involved, and seems well-rested and well-adjusted in every respect.  Thanks, God!

The Things are in 7th and 8th grade.  We had a rough start in homeschool this year.  So, after a month or so of muddling through, I got my act together.  We have ratcheted up our schooling quite a bit.  The bar has been set higher, and they are responding well.  I'll do a post on some things I've learned later.  They are both active in the youth group.  They are doing well.

Hubs & I were treated to a trip to Maui in September through his company.  Had I not had two Things at home, he would never have gotten me on that plane to return to the Midwest.  I keep trying to convince him we can make a move to Maui work.  He can do the tour guide thing in the day (he'd be good at that), and learn to play the ukelele and sing at night. (He'd be really good at that!)  I'll wait tables.  I can do that.  At those prices, surely the tips will be good!  Right?

Some October happies to ponder:

Autumn leaves and beauty
A new iPhone (ordered!)
A new season of Psych starts tomorrow! 
Thing 2's braces have been removed!
New Casting Crowns album!
THE CARDINALS ARE IN THE PLAYOFFS! (Oct baseball = always good)

What can you add?

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