Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Summer, You Have Changed!

Every spring as the robins and martins come, the flowers bloom, and the trees and grass turn that light green that is so near and dear to my heart, I dream.

Every Easter as we dress in our summer outfits which are always light, airy, and sleeveless and FREEZE because in reality, despite the aspirations of our clothing, it is STILL WINTER, I dream.

Every May as I traverse from one year-end banquet to the next, and furiously scramble trying to get homeschool to be over BEFORE JUNE, I dream.

I dream of lazy, hazy days, lounging in the hammock, reading a really good, non-homeschool FICTION novel that takes me away.

I dream of lemonade on the front porch watching the birds fly, the kids play, and the cars go by.

I dream of lounging by the pool reading while my children joyously frolic in the water, just happy to be there and together. (Okay, maybe I don't go THAT far....)

I dream of baseball games, picnics, berry picking, flowers, farmers markets, and that sought-after commodity, TIME. Oh, time. I dream of that one a lot.

So, my summers, in my mind, are a conglomeration of blissful moments from the past summers, which dance in my head, giving a warm, fuzzy feeling to my heart.

Now, I sit, scratching my head, wondering.....why has summer changed? I feel ever so betrayed!

I admit, I have enjoyed some exciting and fun baseball games, visiting with dear baseball friends, and watching the boys play. The rest of it? Sigh. Nope, not at all.

No moments on the hammock reading even a homeschool, non-fiction book. The flowers are there, and because we are enduring the late July 100 degree weather, they are looking like late July flowers and I'm sorry, it's just not as much fun! (Maybe after the tlc I gave them this morning, they will snap out of it....) The few front porch moments I had were punctuated by the Really Cranky Neighbor cussing at his dog and screaming at people to "Slow down! You drive too fast!" (Ah, and that is fodder for another blog, to be sure..)

And worst of all, no moments by the pool. I realize there are people who are EVER SO MUCH WORSE OFF than I, and I am being a pampered, spoiled child right now, but I don't think folks realize how much those moments by the pool maintain my sanity. I don't just benefit in the summer, but all winter long. Because, you see, if I don't have moments by the pool, of what will I dream those long, gray days in March when the sun doesn't shine for a few weeks in a row? Really....I need moments by the pool. With a friend, alone with a book, I'm happy either way. I am happy by a creek, river, or lake, too. Two ingredients fit the bill: Water and sun.

So, this week? We will go to a pool. We will pick blueberries. And despite all that is not right in the world, I will make some memories that will make all the difference next winter and spring....

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