Sunday, January 17, 2010

And Then There Were Three....Again

The last few days have been a mess in my little world. Despite an obnoxious amount of sleep and a day off exercise yesterday, I awoke to a queasiness that did not need to be exposed to the masses. As my family happily skipped off to Sunday School and church, I am pondering what one does with quiet time and a tummy that is a bit "off"?

After eating some yogurt (probiotics, you know), Bible Study, and cleaning up the kitchen, I pondered exercise. It would be lovely to get it done, get a shower and, for the first time in days, put on makeup. But then....that probably isn't the best use of time considering the pathetic effort it would be. It would be better to feel well first, I am sure.

So, I got online and printed off The Big Boy's schedule for this semester. It is a nasty one. Calculus 3. Chemistry 3. Calculus based Physics. Verbal Communication. Honors Logic. Then I investigated campus religious organizations. I sent him links for Campus Crusade and The Rock. I even offered to fill out an information card and send it in for him. Wasn't that nice of me?? tee hee. For some reason, I'm not sure he would agree with that.

Did I mention this is his first week back? Ah, there may be a bit of the funk of the last few days. Typically, I'm a fairly tough cookie. None of the tears and crying nonsense. Nope. I didn't even cry watching "Old Yeller" and usually if anything gets me, its the dog. People? Never. But you know, the movies just don't capture the tug on your heart when your baby heads out to the real world. I tackled his room yesterday and cleaned it top to bottom. I cleaned off each trophy remembering the hundreds of baseball games. I remembered a lot of mistakes I made as a Mom and wished I had another chance. I prayed for my nieces with their young families and for my children as they grow. I thanked God for my wonderful friends along the way who have encouraged and supported me as a mom. I prayed for The Big Boy and his friend-that-is-a-girl. I laughed at his drawings and quotes throughout a notebook from grade school. And I hugged and loved on the three that are still here. And I was glad he was gone. This is how it is supposed to be. He is learning and maturing and becoming the man God would have him be. He is becoming independent in actions and thinking. Despite the tears and tugs on my heart, he is exactly where he should be and I'm thankful.

Not much quiet time left. Excuse me, while I make the most of it.

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