Monday, January 18, 2010

Four Days....and "24"

Four days. I'm on the fourth day of not leaving my home. I'm definitely not the type to stay home two days in a row. Four? I didn't even do that when I had a baby. Nope. There was baseball, work, groceries...any excuse. Snow days? That is simply an invitation to GET OUT. I DEFY the weather to dish up anything that will keep me in. (Maybe that will get us some snow...?) I can't imagine anything that would keep me in for four days. Until now. What has kept me in? Why, it is simple. There has been no reason to leave. That and a mild tummy condition that kept me in the one time I had a reason to get out.....

Anyway. It has been delightful. The laundry is as caught up as it gets. There is ALWAYS laundry because, of course, we aren't exactly going to not have clothes on just so I can get completely caught up. But, I digress. I have cleaned linens this week that actually were soiled during Thanksgiving dinner. That is ridiculous, I know. Believe me, I'm glad it is done.

I've blogged. Twice.

The house is relatively picked up...sort of.....well, I'll vacuum after this. I promise.

My kids have so much school work ready for them they will have NO excuse to waste time on any given day.

And.....drumroll......we still have milk. Normally when NOTHING else works, the milk thing gets me out. I thought ahead. Six gallons may have seemed like a lot at the time, but hey. I'm still here.

On an aside....."24" started last night. I haven't decided how I feel about this season just yet. I found it to be a bit....predictable...when one of its primary strengths is that "24" isn't predictable. I'm forever frustrated by silly things...the first two years it was that Jack couldn't figure out how to turn the ringer off on his phone. He would sneak down the hall, mere feet from a bad guy with a big gun and...riiiiiiiiinnnnngg! How that guy never heard it I will never know. Last night it was the bad guy. Typically when the street is full of people looking at the aftermath of an exploding helicopter on a roof, one won't stroll slong through the crowd talking on the cell about how the guy is dead and now we need to focus on the assassination and move the time up, etc....because...hello? THEY WILL HEAR!!!! The other scene that had me yelling at my tv was when Kim is telling Jack he must stay and help because if he didn't and something happened, well, he just wouldn't forgive himself. This from the person who NEVER wanted him to stay and help. Not to mention that after all he had been through, I'm thinking, yep, I'd be able to live with it just fine. I suppose season 8 wouldn't be so appealing if it was all about Jack taking his grandchild to the zoo and reading Dr. Seuss to her. So, he had to stay.

So, tonight, this last night before I finally venture from my home, I will give it another shot and presumably become thoroughly hooked. In the meantime, supper and vacuuming await me. Enjoy your night!

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