Friday, January 16, 2009

Life at Our House Lately.....

It appears my dire hopes for normalcy after the Holidays was in vain. Last week was a hum-dinger. It is a constant juggling act with the four younger people in our home, but thankfully, the juggling usually involves only one or two at a time. Not the same one or two, they switch off, (I'm convinced they have contrived some sort of tag-team, but I haven't been able to catch them in the act of the tag just yet) so it's doable. Once in a blue moon, and thankfully not more often, they all blow up at once. Last Wednesday that is exactly what happened. One had behavior issues, one had the stomach flu for five days, once had chest pains that ended up not being serious, but in the meantime an abnormal EKG kept us on our toes for several days until his heart was checked out and cleared, and one has had some big driving issues. I apologize for that excruciatingly long sentence. I won't publish pictures or names to protect the not-so-innocent, but you can probably figure it out. I didn't like that week. I'm glad it is over. This week has been a little odd, but certainly much closer to "normal". It's Friday now, and I have high hopes for next week!

In the meantime, I'm happy to report I've been able to maintain a bit of an exercise program, and I've kept up with my Read Through the Bible this year. Yay! 15 days! It is scary that it feels like such an accomplishment. No, I didn't get sucked into 24, although it is sitting on the dvr just waiting for a weak moment. No, we haven't watched Idol, yes, we are progressing in Season Three of Lost, and....confession time....I'm hooked on House. It is really frightening how much Travis and I relate to him. I hope I'm not that much of a jerk....on the outside, anyway. It really helps the exercise fly by, for which I'm grateful.

So, now I'm in catch up mode. Speaking of which, there is a vacuum downstairs calling my name. Have a great weekend!

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