Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy Birthday, Daddy

Today is my daddy's birthday. My daddy is....

....funny. His was one of the most entertaining families I've ever known.
....talented. His ability to play the piano with those fat fingers will make your jaw drop. This list could go on and on...first of all, he married Mom. Then, together, they took a company from the bleak start in their basement to a $20 million company. Now, said company had over $100 million in sales. Now that is a smart businessman.
....humble. He never forgets from where he came.
....a God loving Gideon. God has blessed him abundantly, and he knows it.
....owner of the sharpest knife around. Just ask him! You can shave with it at any given time! (Though I always wondered why you would want to....)
...determined. He spent decades managing his diabetes with diet and exercise (using the term managing a bit loosely) in order to keep his pilot's licence. explorer. He loves to check it out...whatever and wherever "it" is. Perhaps a gravel road on a snowy night, perhaps a trip to Australia to find out how the water really goes down the drain.
....a fisherman. And the challenge is to NOT use live bait.
....a daddy. My daddy.

Happy Birthday!

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