Wednesday, April 29, 2009

God Knows About the Whole Time Thing

Anyone who knows me knows that if I'm waking up before 6 am consistently, something is wrong. This week, I haven't slept past about 5:30. Why? The reasons are many and varied.

First of all, my first baby is graduating in three weeks. No, I'm not all weepy and depressed and sad...actually, there are days when I'm ready for his new roommate, B, to take him and go! That isn't usually the case, you understand, but there are definitely those days. I'm learning, though, that having a senior comes with a very long "to do" list. Do you know how many people want pictures of this boy for various things? Not senior pictures, but pictures all through his life. Not that it is so terribly difficult....I just have to dig through unorganized boxes and find those perfect few....but it is a "to do". (And what about those brown recluse spiders that reside in such untouched boxes in storage? It is a risky "to do" as well!) There are announcements, parties, and we have senior recognition banquets out the wazoo.

Secondly, it is almost May. Even without a senior, May is busy, busy, busy. Every program that is coming to a delightful end has a banquet or performance to show the many accomplishments of the year. The church programs, jump rope, piano, choir, and every organization in which any of the four have remotely participated are vying for calendar dates that are already covered with baseball and volleyball games and practices.

Thirdly, I want homeschool to end. I want to be done. However, I'm struggling with finding the time to effectively launch a crusade to accelerate the process. Bless The Things hearts, if they have learned anything this year, it is working independently, and at least Math, English, Reading, and Spelling are progressing. Given that we had HOURS of history on the trip, Science is the only thing that is falling through the cracks right now.

Lastly, and although it could wait, in my OCD mind, it is the primary item on the radar right now, and that is planning for next year. WHY I can't delay this until Memorial Day, I'm not sure. It's a mental issue, to be sure. I've pondered and pondered and then, this morning, as I read online essays about various educational theories and looked at curriculum, a brand new idea occurred to me. I could do Tapestry of Grace Year 4 next year, and really hit the time from the Civil War to now thoroughly. THEN I could begin the History cycle again the following year. That would mean 80% of the books in my living room would have to be stored for a year. That would mean that instead of starting the next four-year history cycle with Nathan in 6th (already a year behind) and Annie in 5th, it would delay it another year. Do I want to do that? I don't knoooooooowwwwwww!

The one thing I know is that there is not more to do today than I can do. God has ordered my steps and purposed my day to serve Him. He knows about the whole time thing (He created it, after all) and He hasn't scheduled more in my day than is possible for me to accomplish. So, if I just stop and turn it all over to Him, He will provide the priorities and the time, and it will fall into place. And, maybe, that is why He is waking me up a little earlier. He wants me to spend time with Him to learn about His plan for my day. So pardon me, I have a Friend waiting. He may be waiting for you, too.

1 comment:

Gayle said...

Do you know I wake up at 5:30 too to read and pray? This morning tho it was 3:30. Ha! Couldn't go back to sleep (maybe it was the tea I had for lunch?) haha :) Prayed for you this morning. Hope you have a good day. You are a busy girl!