Saturday, May 2, 2009

It's Settled. I'm Sure This Time. I Think.

I'm really done this time. I stuck with the plan with one variation. I am adding Tapestry of Grace 1 to the mix. It has so much to add, and of course, I really want to have all of the best. I really believe my best includes TOG. So, all that is left is organizing it, filling in literature/history books that may be missing, little things like that. I think I can relax about it until I get the oldest over the graduation hump. I really hope so.

Speaking of which, I started addressing announcements and I went through about 1/10of the pictures for all the slide shows for church, banquets, etc. Church needs 6 to 10 pictures. This child is:

a. The oldest. We all know there are waaaaay more pictures of the oldest. (Spoken like a true baby of the family.)

b. 18 and a HALF! That is not even one picture a year!

Well, it can't be done. One cannot capture the "heart" of some one's life with ten pictures. Nope. So, when I turn in, say 16 pictures (give or take), I triple-dog dare 'em to eliminate any. How could they, after all?

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