Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Just a Shreddin'

Last week, I read where Sophie and Melanie were joining Vicki in a new get fit scheme quest. They are doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I read phrases saying that children commented on abs appearing where previously there were none. There were testimonies of making clothes purchases because the old ones are too big. Arms with flags were being upgraded to arms with muscle and definition. Either someone died and their testimony is coming straight from heaven, or it works. Or they lie.

On Amazon, the dvd is ranked, get this, "#1 in Movies & TV ". Apparently, there are a lot of desperate individuals out there like me. You know what they say about a sucker being born every minute. But #1? It isn't a measure of customer success in getting fit, but no matter how I cut it that #1 rating influenced me. That, and the idea of being a workout stud.

I was sold.

Said dvd arrived in glorious style in yesterday's mail. Brown cardboard being glorious and all. So, this morning is it. Day #1 in my 30 day quest to removing 25 years from this tired ol' bod. Ten minutes into it, I glanced at the clock and had to quit. I'm guessing it was subconscious, but I had started the dvd knowing in 18 minutes I had to be on a conference call from work, hoping I could squish it all in the allotted time. I'm so happy I couldn't. Allowing time (which, of course, wasn't enough) to access the email with the numbers for the conference call, I just had to stop.

Now I'm faced with a decision. Start again, doing 1 1/2 Shreds today? (Heaven forbid it! Please?) Or, start mid-way, not getting the full effect of the 20 minutes of hell health? Or, just call it a day, and forever be 1/2 day off on my shred count.

I'm thinking if I type long enough, the decision will be made because of piano looming on the horizon. Or, I think I'll just go back, start again, and know I will be better for it.

Has "exercise video" ever been listed as a cause of death? I think not! I'll just imagine that funny guy on "Waterboy" is here cheering me on saying, "You can do it!"

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