Thursday, August 6, 2009

Cash for Clunkers....a Rant

The whole Cash for Clunkers is reason to shake a head in disbelief and wonder what third graders are running our country.

There is a litany of reasons I think the program is a joke. It is not the most important issue out there, nor do I think it is all that damaging. As an indicator, it is frightening, though.

1. As a stimulus, it is narrow-minded. If, indeed, stimulus was the objective, wouldn't it be more prudent to just cut our taxes? Give us the $4500 to spend freely, therefore stimulating a number of industries. Raising taxes, taking on more government control, and throwing out a goofy little program like this is insulting, not stimulating.

2. As a help to the environment, it is worthless. The benefit of getting "gas guzzlers" off the roads is so microscopic it won't matter. However, the cost of junking those cars in enormous. Perfectly usable parts are being destroyed, causing us to require so much more in resources to make new, costlier ones. It costs something to shred vehicles that are very usable and good tools for a number of purposes.

3. Dealers are being shafted. Auto dealers won't feel the effects of it for awhile, but when their "Clunkers" start being rejected, long after the deal is made, because they didn't meet some obscure requirement on page 117, paragraph zz, they will know the program isn't "all that". In addition, putting them in the car destroying business, many for the first time, is questionable. I've a feeling that destroying some of the fine vehicles they are having to trash is akin to "putting down a good dog" for many of them.

4. Helping out the lower income folks would be to allow them to PURCHASE these vehicles and use them. It would be to allow them to use the PARTS from these vehicles. This is taking away many helpful resources to folks who need the parts and vehicles to keep driving back and forth to work.

5. Hello? People? THIS is the government in the used car industry. Their 4 month plan lasted a week. THESE are the people you want to run our health care industry? Okay, I know some extremely well-spoken and intelligent folks who sell used cars. It is a generalization to categorize them all with the homemade commercial guys who yell and wear funny costumes. As in any industry, there are those who appear less intelligent (understatement?) whose image is projected on the whole industry. You need to know what you are doing to succeed in used cars. Having said that, it is clear that it doesn't take a doctorate degree to survive selling used cars. Our government, however, hasn't survived in the industry. If you argue that they are, I will answer that printing more Monopoly money to stay in the game is cheating. This is an indicator. If you don't want a minimum wage, chicken costume wearing surgeon performing your surgery in a few years, you really should be paying attention now.

Having hit a few high points, I believe I will cease this rant before I lose my breakfast. I'm going to go sit outside, read my Bible and remember Who is in control of this world, the health industry, my health, and my government. I will put my trust in the Maker of this world. I will pray for the Peace that I cannot understand and then I will get on with picklin' some peppers. Pickled peppers, now that's gotta be good for you.

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