Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Homeschooling Changes

So, after hours and days of planning before buying last spring, here I sit. You know what I did? I changed it....a lot of it.

On a whim, I decided to purchaseTapestry of Grace Year 4. Even though it was a late night, weary, spur of the moment purchase, it was a good one. I'm a bit more settled now. I've even started using my Homeschool Tracker again this year. Now for 36 hours of uninterrupted time to finish planning and typing and printing and copying...oh, wait, that won't happen. Well, as I squeeze in an hour here and and hour there, hopefully it will get together. It is moving up on the priority list, to be sure. I have the college purchases done. I have the auto purchase done. I spent all day yesterday pulling weeds, picking produce, and watering plants (yes, then we were the happy recipients of four inches of rain last always works that way!) Now if I can knock out the home interior and the processing of garden items, the homeschool planning will again be priority #1 on the to do list.

The TOG Year 4 is all recent history. I had hoped to go through most of it over the summer (when will I learn????) and start ancient history this fall, but now I will take all this year to go over history from the turn of the century to now. That is exciting to me. I looove that time in history. And, next year's core is already, it's not really a waste. (Whew!)

Now to figure out Homeschool Tracker....not sure about it just yet.

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