Kelly was blessed to have Harper just after 7 last night. However, Harper is having a lot of complications and has had to be air-lifted to a NICU in Tulsa. Having been through a similar situation with Annie, I have some understanding of what they are enduring, and ask you to join our family in prayer for them.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Praying for Kelly, Harper and their Family
Kelly was blessed to have Harper just after 7 last night. However, Harper is having a lot of complications and has had to be air-lifted to a NICU in Tulsa. Having been through a similar situation with Annie, I have some understanding of what they are enduring, and ask you to join our family in prayer for them.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Life at Our House Lately.....
It appears my dire hopes for normalcy after the Holidays was in vain. Last week was a hum-dinger. It is a constant juggling act with the four younger people in our home, but thankfully, the juggling usually involves only one or two at a time. Not the same one or two, they switch off, (I'm convinced they have contrived some sort of tag-team, but I haven't been able to catch them in the act of the tag just yet) so it's doable. Once in a blue moon, and thankfully not more often, they all blow up at once. Last Wednesday that is exactly what happened. One had behavior issues, one had the stomach flu for five days, once had chest pains that ended up not being serious, but in the meantime an abnormal EKG kept us on our toes for several days until his heart was checked out and cleared, and one has had some big driving issues. I apologize for that excruciatingly long sentence. I won't publish pictures or names to protect the not-so-innocent, but you can probably figure it out. I didn't like that week. I'm glad it is over. This week has been a little odd, but certainly much closer to "normal". It's Friday now, and I have high hopes for next week!
In the meantime, I'm happy to report I've been able to maintain a bit of an exercise program, and I've kept up with my Read Through the Bible this year. Yay! 15 days! It is scary that it feels like such an accomplishment. No, I didn't get sucked into 24, although it is sitting on the dvr just waiting for a weak moment. No, we haven't watched Idol, yes, we are progressing in Season Three of Lost, and....confession time....I'm hooked on House. It is really frightening how much Travis and I relate to him. I hope I'm not that much of a jerk....on the outside, anyway. It really helps the exercise fly by, for which I'm grateful.
So, now I'm in catch up mode. Speaking of which, there is a vacuum downstairs calling my name. Have a great weekend!
In the meantime, I'm happy to report I've been able to maintain a bit of an exercise program, and I've kept up with my Read Through the Bible this year. Yay! 15 days! It is scary that it feels like such an accomplishment. No, I didn't get sucked into 24, although it is sitting on the dvr just waiting for a weak moment. No, we haven't watched Idol, yes, we are progressing in Season Three of Lost, and....confession time....I'm hooked on House. It is really frightening how much Travis and I relate to him. I hope I'm not that much of a jerk....on the outside, anyway. It really helps the exercise fly by, for which I'm grateful.
So, now I'm in catch up mode. Speaking of which, there is a vacuum downstairs calling my name. Have a great weekend!
Big Mama Ties One On
Big Mama teaches us no less than four ways to tie a scarf. For the fashion-challenged like me, it's a Godsend. I want to encourage you to pay close attention to her statement at the end regarding jeans.....she loves 'em, too!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
The Perfect Job
I would love ever so much to have this job. Should I apply?
Women Undervalued
I read two articles today on Fox News that made me sad for the way women are incredibly undervalued. In the first article, a woman completely underestimates her worth. She also underestimates her value to her future spouse. It is incredible irony, too, that despite the millions she will potentially collect for her actions, she is basically just cheap.
In the second article, a very young lady has an even more tragic story in that she is being told she is worthless by her own father. Well, she is being made to believe she is worth $16,000, some beer and some meat. After this, will she ever be able to believe she is worth so much more? Will she ever realize she is priceless?
How thankful I am to have a Savior who values me so much he layed down his life on my behalf. It is so hard for me to see value in myself. I can't imagine that the minimal value I do see could overcome the challenges set forth in these women's lives. They so desperately need Jesus and to know their worth in His eyes. Join me in praying for them.
In the second article, a very young lady has an even more tragic story in that she is being told she is worthless by her own father. Well, she is being made to believe she is worth $16,000, some beer and some meat. After this, will she ever be able to believe she is worth so much more? Will she ever realize she is priceless?
How thankful I am to have a Savior who values me so much he layed down his life on my behalf. It is so hard for me to see value in myself. I can't imagine that the minimal value I do see could overcome the challenges set forth in these women's lives. They so desperately need Jesus and to know their worth in His eyes. Join me in praying for them.
Monday, January 5, 2009
The TV is trying to take over again.....
And it is being wildly successful.
After a couple of years of watching almost no TV except the occasional, warm, fuzzy, Andy Griffith Show,

last January we succumbed to the intense peer pressure from family and friends and started watching both 24

and Lost.

We watched a season of each, then by popular demand within the family, continued watching 24 until we were.....completely.....caught.....up. That's right, SIX seasons in about as many months. It is a wonder we didn't shoot the place up. And, yes, we watched the special in November. Our plan is NOT to watch it when it begins again in just six days, quite frankly, because we may tear our hair out waiting from week to, we can wait for the videos. Maybe.
So, in the meantime, we have picked up with Season Two of Lost. I'm telling you, these shows cannot possibly be good for a person. They are highly addictive, affect sleeping patterns (you have to find "the right place" to stop for the night and sometimes that may take until 2 am(!), not to mention those weird dreams...), and I'm sure beyond a shadow of a doubt they are turning my brain to mush. After all, that is what I have spent years telling the kids would happen if they watch TV.
Oh, and that is not all, no that is not all. We have another series trying to worm its way in...first through Ljo....we have managed to keep it quarantined to her college house until.....last night. When I arrived home from AWANA, guess who had introduced House to our....ahem, house?

Yes, Travis! It seems his girlfriend brought a season over and left it. Now, we have seen House on TV now and then, sometimes several episodes straight. And, I must admit, I find it entertaining. But honestly, I considered going down in protective clothing to put it in a Ziploc bag and take it out to a nearby field. I'm convinced there is something contagious in seeing how absurdly people behave when addicted to these shows.
But, I didn't. I left it down there. I'm determined to have more will power than to get started on yet another series.....
Oh, and let's hope the family doesn't realize American Idol starts next week. We may not recover.
After a couple of years of watching almost no TV except the occasional, warm, fuzzy, Andy Griffith Show,

last January we succumbed to the intense peer pressure from family and friends and started watching both 24

and Lost.

We watched a season of each, then by popular demand within the family, continued watching 24 until we were.....completely.....caught.....up. That's right, SIX seasons in about as many months. It is a wonder we didn't shoot the place up. And, yes, we watched the special in November. Our plan is NOT to watch it when it begins again in just six days, quite frankly, because we may tear our hair out waiting from week to, we can wait for the videos. Maybe.
So, in the meantime, we have picked up with Season Two of Lost. I'm telling you, these shows cannot possibly be good for a person. They are highly addictive, affect sleeping patterns (you have to find "the right place" to stop for the night and sometimes that may take until 2 am(!), not to mention those weird dreams...), and I'm sure beyond a shadow of a doubt they are turning my brain to mush. After all, that is what I have spent years telling the kids would happen if they watch TV.
Oh, and that is not all, no that is not all. We have another series trying to worm its way in...first through Ljo....we have managed to keep it quarantined to her college house until.....last night. When I arrived home from AWANA, guess who had introduced House to our....ahem, house?

Yes, Travis! It seems his girlfriend brought a season over and left it. Now, we have seen House on TV now and then, sometimes several episodes straight. And, I must admit, I find it entertaining. But honestly, I considered going down in protective clothing to put it in a Ziploc bag and take it out to a nearby field. I'm convinced there is something contagious in seeing how absurdly people behave when addicted to these shows.
But, I didn't. I left it down there. I'm determined to have more will power than to get started on yet another series.....
Oh, and let's hope the family doesn't realize American Idol starts next week. We may not recover.
Friday, January 2, 2009
So What is the New Year Good for?
I have explained that I have, well, a rebellious aversion to resolutions. So what is the New Year good for? Hmmm....I'm glad you asked.
First of all, it is an excellent time to start reading the Bible through. Most plans begin with Jan 1, so it makes sense. There are several plans to do this. Justin at Between Two Worlds has a thorough presentation with many options. Rest assured there is a plan for you!
It is a great time to spend a lot of time in prayer. Well, any time is a good time for that. Anyway, you know what I mean. Yesterday's verse of the day from Heartlight is a good example:
There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against
the LORD.
-- Proverbs 21:30
No matter how fresh the start nor how great the plans we have
made, if we do not walk with God, the coming year will not be a
spiritual success. As we receive this gift of a new year, let's
commit to serve the Lord. As we make plans for the coming days
ahead, let's make sure that those plans are made based on the
LORD's revealed will in Scripture and prayerful consideration of
what our God wants us to accomplish.
God of the ages, my Father in heaven, thank you for being very
near as I start on a new year. Please help me know your will each
day. Bring the people into my life who will help me love you more,
serve you effectively, and bless others in meaningful ways. To you
be all the honor and glory in what I do, think, and say in the days
ahead. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
John Piper has an excellent post on What Should We Pray For as well. It is a list based on New Testament Prayers that he suggests we read through periodically. I think it is a wonderful suggestion.....
And, the New Year is the official end of the Holiday Season. It is time to get those Christmas decorations down, clean the house and prepare to get back to normal! I have to admit, I'm looking forward to getting back to a routine....with a little more reading and praying involved. And maybe more exercise. We'll see.
First of all, it is an excellent time to start reading the Bible through. Most plans begin with Jan 1, so it makes sense. There are several plans to do this. Justin at Between Two Worlds has a thorough presentation with many options. Rest assured there is a plan for you!
It is a great time to spend a lot of time in prayer. Well, any time is a good time for that. Anyway, you know what I mean. Yesterday's verse of the day from Heartlight is a good example:
There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against
the LORD.
-- Proverbs 21:30
No matter how fresh the start nor how great the plans we have
made, if we do not walk with God, the coming year will not be a
spiritual success. As we receive this gift of a new year, let's
commit to serve the Lord. As we make plans for the coming days
ahead, let's make sure that those plans are made based on the
LORD's revealed will in Scripture and prayerful consideration of
what our God wants us to accomplish.
God of the ages, my Father in heaven, thank you for being very
near as I start on a new year. Please help me know your will each
day. Bring the people into my life who will help me love you more,
serve you effectively, and bless others in meaningful ways. To you
be all the honor and glory in what I do, think, and say in the days
ahead. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
John Piper has an excellent post on What Should We Pray For as well. It is a list based on New Testament Prayers that he suggests we read through periodically. I think it is a wonderful suggestion.....
And, the New Year is the official end of the Holiday Season. It is time to get those Christmas decorations down, clean the house and prepare to get back to normal! I have to admit, I'm looking forward to getting back to a routine....with a little more reading and praying involved. And maybe more exercise. We'll see.
About those Resolutions.....
I have a bit of a different take on resolutions. I think I was a bit indoctrinated on this way of thinking by my daddy. I have always been a bit of an extreme thinker/perfectionist. So, when I have a fresh slate, I keep it perfect as long as I can, but when it isn't perfect anymore, well, it's not worth keeping. Somehow, I suspect I'm not the only one thinking this way, because of all we hear about New Year's resolutions. Then, we hear how very few of them actually stick. So, once we blow the diet, the exercise plan, the plan to be thankful in all things, whatever it may be, we give up!
Seeing this quality in me, my daddy started early on explaining that every day is a day for resolutions. I saw it in him when he quit smoking....not on New Year's Day, but on a random day mid-year! And it wasn't the Great American Smoke Out, either! And he explained that a day when we mess up isn't a total failure, just a set back. He almost had an aversion to making any sort of resolution on Jan 1. The rebellious part of me causes me to be that way as well. Far be it from me to do ANYTHING like the mainstream.
So, when I finally decided to read the Bible through in a year, I succeeded. It took two years, but I didn't stop. I kept plugging through. I learned a lot. And you know what? It was okay that it took two years.
When everyone is making all these plans for glorious change on Jan 1, I'm content to make it a day I relax. Because I can make those resolutions Jan 2, Feb 20, June 18, October 7 or any other day of the year. Every day is a day to take stock and make changes to improve yourself.
So, the holidays are over. Yes, I need to drop a few unwanted pounds. Yes, I would feel better if I exercised. So, I will work those things into the schedule. But no matter what, Jan 1 is the one day of the year I will eat what I want and refuse to exercise...unless I just want to.
Seeing this quality in me, my daddy started early on explaining that every day is a day for resolutions. I saw it in him when he quit smoking....not on New Year's Day, but on a random day mid-year! And it wasn't the Great American Smoke Out, either! And he explained that a day when we mess up isn't a total failure, just a set back. He almost had an aversion to making any sort of resolution on Jan 1. The rebellious part of me causes me to be that way as well. Far be it from me to do ANYTHING like the mainstream.
So, when I finally decided to read the Bible through in a year, I succeeded. It took two years, but I didn't stop. I kept plugging through. I learned a lot. And you know what? It was okay that it took two years.
When everyone is making all these plans for glorious change on Jan 1, I'm content to make it a day I relax. Because I can make those resolutions Jan 2, Feb 20, June 18, October 7 or any other day of the year. Every day is a day to take stock and make changes to improve yourself.
So, the holidays are over. Yes, I need to drop a few unwanted pounds. Yes, I would feel better if I exercised. So, I will work those things into the schedule. But no matter what, Jan 1 is the one day of the year I will eat what I want and refuse to exercise...unless I just want to.
Happy Birthday, Daddy
Today is my daddy's birthday. My daddy is....
....funny. His was one of the most entertaining families I've ever known.
....talented. His ability to play the piano with those fat fingers will make your jaw drop. This list could go on and on...first of all, he married Mom. Then, together, they took a company from the bleak start in their basement to a $20 million company. Now, said company had over $100 million in sales. Now that is a smart businessman.
....humble. He never forgets from where he came.
....a God loving Gideon. God has blessed him abundantly, and he knows it.
....owner of the sharpest knife around. Just ask him! You can shave with it at any given time! (Though I always wondered why you would want to....)
...determined. He spent decades managing his diabetes with diet and exercise (using the term managing a bit loosely) in order to keep his pilot's licence. explorer. He loves to check it out...whatever and wherever "it" is. Perhaps a gravel road on a snowy night, perhaps a trip to Australia to find out how the water really goes down the drain.
....a fisherman. And the challenge is to NOT use live bait.
....a daddy. My daddy.
Happy Birthday!
....funny. His was one of the most entertaining families I've ever known.
....talented. His ability to play the piano with those fat fingers will make your jaw drop. This list could go on and on...first of all, he married Mom. Then, together, they took a company from the bleak start in their basement to a $20 million company. Now, said company had over $100 million in sales. Now that is a smart businessman.
....humble. He never forgets from where he came.
....a God loving Gideon. God has blessed him abundantly, and he knows it.
....owner of the sharpest knife around. Just ask him! You can shave with it at any given time! (Though I always wondered why you would want to....)
...determined. He spent decades managing his diabetes with diet and exercise (using the term managing a bit loosely) in order to keep his pilot's licence. explorer. He loves to check it out...whatever and wherever "it" is. Perhaps a gravel road on a snowy night, perhaps a trip to Australia to find out how the water really goes down the drain.
....a fisherman. And the challenge is to NOT use live bait.
....a daddy. My daddy.
Happy Birthday!
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